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Adrian Louttit

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About Adrian Louttit

Introducing Adrian Louttit – Waimak Real Estate.

Adrian is so aware that the mark of the man is not just sales, it’s about background, it’s about determination and of course the sort of person he is. As an ‘old sea dog’ (Adrian spent nearly three years in the Royal New Zealand Navy, specialising in Marine Engineering) this is where he saw the value of discipline and focus as being essential to succeeding in business.
Moving from the navy to business was an easy transition and within a short time Adrian moved from sales to management. Among the many lessons Adrian drew from this experience he saw the real value in supporting and respecting the ‘customer’. As a vital part of the management team Adrian was able to implement his ‘can do, will do’ people first philosophy.

Adrian strives for personal achievement and professional success; he is a focused, driven person who values a positive attitude towards both business and life in general. His values require him to act with integrity and to share his knowledge in an open and honest manner.

Despite the discipline, the focus on success and the ‘go for it’ personality, Adrian is still a friendly person. His easy going personality allows others to feel at ease, thus professional relationships are maintained in a friendly but effective manner.
In making real estate decisions, many of us will look for a person who will apply their experience of life, their attitude to succeed and
their willingness to communicate honestly and effectively with them; - Adrian Louttit is one of those people.



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